Itching in the breast caused by changes in the breast during pregnancy, Bun. Summarized from various sources, this is the most common cause of breast itching when pregnant.
Hormonal changes
Fluctuations or ups and downs of hormones is one of the causes of itchy breasts. Quoted from Being Parent, increased hormone estrogen is one of the causes of tissue changes in the breast.

This change makes breast skin more sensitive. Sensitive skin is more prone to itching. Some hormones also affect the sweat glands. The skin will produce a lot of sweat. Sweating will cause itching.
Stretching skin
When the fetus begins to develop, the mother's body changes and gains weight. One part of the body that increases in size is the breast.
"During pregnancy and breastfeeding, your breast size will be two or three times larger," said Sherry A. Ross, M.D., a female health expert quoted from Self.
This change in breast shape causes the appearance of stretch marks. Citing Healthline, when stretch marks appear, the skin will feel itchy or burning. "Stretch marks, which are genetic, can cause itching," Ross said.
Increased blood flow
As breast size enlarges, blood flow also increases, Bun. Increased blood flow will cause the breast to feel sensitive and itchy, especially on the nipples.
Itching in the breast during pregnancy will make Mother uncomfortable activities. Well, there are several ways you can do to relieve the itching. Quoted from Mom Junction, this is a way to reduce itching in the breast when pregnant:
- Use a comfortable bra. Cotton bra is a good choice. Don't use synthetic bras.
- Don't scratch too hard on sensitive areas on the breast.
- Avoid bathing with soap that contains perfume because this will increasingly make the skin more dry and itchy.
- Try using aloe vera gel or a cream made from aloe vera.
- Use a moisturizer that does not contain perfume or fragrance after bathing.
- Compress the itchy area with ice cubes. This will calm the itchy skin for a few moments.
- Avoid too much exposure to the sun because heat can increase itching.
Mother can also see the explanation why the feet and hands are swollen when pregnant.