Breast pain when PMS is caused by increased levels of the hormone progesterone, before menstruation. Quoted from the page Flo, progesterone causes swelling of the mammary glands. Therefore, women experience breast pain before menstruation.
When PMS, breasts may feel dense, especially in the outermost area. This breast pain will improve when menstruation ends.
Reported by Healthline, breast pain can appear on a mild to severe scale. Usually the most severe pain near the date of menstruation. This condition also only lasts for a few days.

Meanwhile, breast pain during pregnancy may be felt from the first week to the last trimester. During pregnancy, the breast feels painful or sensitive to the touch.
In addition, what distinguishes when pregnant with PMS is the breast feels heavy. Increased blood flow and enlarged glands make the breast swell.
"Plus, your breasts and body begin to hold fluid, which is a side effect of increased progesterone and estrogen," Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., clinical professor of uterus quoted from Parents.
Pain in the breast during pregnancy is caused by increased hormone levels and changes in breast shape. This change aims to prepare the little one who will soon be born.
"From the very beginning of pregnancy, hormones start circling the breast to make it ready for breastfeeding," Minkin said.
However, breast pain in general when pregnant with PMS looks the same. Starting from pain, swelling, and sensitive. The difference lies in the duration of the pain.