10 Early Signs of Pregnancy that are often Unconscious

Usually, mothers mark pregnancy from late menstruation or most commonly mark it with physical changes. But, it turns out there are signs of early pregnancy that Mother often does not realize.

Some women do experience signs of pregnancy that are not realized. Reported by Health Line, here are 10 signs that can be used to read pregnancy.

Fluid out of the vagina

Most pregnant women emerge sticky, white or pale yellow mucus from the beginning of the first trimester throughout pregnancy. These symptoms are caused by an increase in hormones and blood flow to the vagina.

10 Early Signs of Pregnancy that are often Unconscious

But, if the fluid coming out of the vagina is characterized by odor, itching, turning greenish yellow, you should immediately see a doctor right, Bun. These may be signs of infection.

Rising body temperature

Normally, when the morning after the ovulation phase, body temperature will slowly increase. Body temperature will remain at that temperature until the next menstruation. But, if the body temperature continues to rise for more than two weeks, maybe it is a sign of a pregnant mother.

Headaches, cramps, and frequent urination

Changes in hormones and blood volume during pregnancy can cause headaches. Some women also experience cramps such as when menstruation in the lower abdomen.

Most women also urinate more often when positively pregnant. This is caused by the uterus that continues to grow and suppresses the bladder. Thus, Mother often feels like urinating.

Dizziness, like spinning

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to feel dizzy in the first trimester. Pregnancy causes blood pressure to become low and blood vessels to dilate.

But, pay attention to the symptoms again, Bun. If the dizziness is accompanied by bleeding and severe abdominal pain, it can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

Bloating and constipation

You might feel like pooping or defecating, but you can't. This happens because of changes in pregnancy hormones, causing constipation.

Having fake menstruation

About 25 to 40 percent of pregnant women will experience minor bleeding or spotting. This light bleeding, which is often mistaken for menstruation, occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. Usually occurs about two weeks after fertilization.

Susceptible to pain and not feeling well

Pregnancy can decrease body immunity. Mothers will be more susceptible to coughs, colds, and flu.

Chest feels like burning

The hormone changes the valve between the stomach and esophagus. The valve is more relaxed during pregnancy and can cause stomach acid to rise into the esophagus, this stomach acid which makes the chest feel hot.

Changes in emotions

Mother's hormones suddenly change when pregnant. This hormone affects emotions, you know, Bun. Can feel very emotional and easy to cry.

Like chewing metal

Increasing the hormones estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy can cause dysegusia conditions. This condition causes you to feel metal in the mouth.

Besides the 10 signs above, there are other physical signs that are easier for you to know. According to Dr. Karno Suprapto SpOG from Mayapada Hospital, emotions are a sign of pregnancy that is not realized. Mother became suddenly moody.

"Pregnancy also affects emotions, a mother who had been calm became moody, sometimes her husband was a bit wrong, being scolded. Those signs of pregnancy are not realized," Karno said. Did you experience some of the above signs during early pregnancy?